Saturday, July 27, 2024

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Today, I tried to play some games on FIDE Online Arena. 

Just as several years ago, suddenly, that Arena "lost connection".

FIDE Online Arena - connection lost

It happened in the section "World Chess". 

It's important to note that my internet connection was stable and did not drop during the game. 
Also, I did NOT switch the windows during the game. And I had only one window opened.

Moreover, I was able to surf on that Online Arena. Finally, I was able to go back to my game. Unfortunately, it still warned me that I had "lost connection".

Worse, the site demanded I "reconnect." However, what is the sober method for "reconnecting," and where is it explained? The only official explanation I later found from the Support section did not help:

Press "reconnect"

So where is that "Reconnect" button to press? If it was visible, it did not work at all.

Note that this Online Arena asks for 50 euros annually to obtain an official FIDE online rating and other comfortable services.

Of course, I shall not pay a single cent for that service.

Today, I played only two or three rated games in the "World Chess" section. In the second one, a low-rated opponent seemingly used a chess engine during the game. In the last one, I lost the game due to Online Arena's beautiful features.

Please reconnect with yourself if you want. 

I do not need such chess platforms (there are several such platforms) that arbitrarily declare that you have "lost connection".


Wednesday, July 17, 2024


1972 kaotas nõukogude maletaja Spasski maailmameistri tiitli Ameerika maletajale Fischerile.

Spasski sekundanti Iivo Neid, Eestist, kahtlustati, et ta müüs Gelleri avangu-uuendused LKA-le, kes need Fischerile edastas.

Kahe aasta pärast, 1974, pidi toimuma Spasski ja Fischeri kordusmatš.

Seepärast ei lastud Iivo Neid kaks aastat järjest enam välismaale.

Kuna Fischer ei saanud enam Gelleri avangu-uuendusi kätte, loobus ta maailmameistri tiitlist, et mitte häbisse langeda.

Ent siis sai KGB teada, et Paul Keres müüb LKA-le Gelleri avangu-uuendusi.

Lisaks otsustas Nõukogude Liidu spordijuhtkond, et tuleb takistada vanema põlvkonna nõukogude maletajate pretendeerimist maailmameistri tiitlile.

Ka Spasskit peeti liiga vanaks, ent tema langes ise konkurentsist välja, kaotades 1974 pretendentide matši Karpovile.

1975 kevadel kuulutati tiitlipretendent Karpov male maailmameistriks, sest Fischer loobus oma tiitlist.

Kaks kuud hiljem, 1975 suvel, mõrvas KGB Paul Kerese - Helsinkis, kus Keres peatus tagasiteel Kanadast Eestisse.

Selleks kasutati närvimürki Novitšok, mida määriti Kerese malekomplekti ühele malendile.

Selle operatsiooni varjunimena kasutas KGB väljendit "Mürgine ettur".

Mürgise etturi variant

Ka Kortšnoid taheti mürgitada. Selle operatsiooni koodnimeks oli "Eutanaasia". 

Ent 1976 põgenes Kortšnoi Nõukogude Liidust välismaale.

1978 kaotas Kortšnoi maailmameistri matši noorema põlvkonna nõukogude maletajale, maailmameister Karpovile. Kerese surma ja Kortšnoi läände põgenemise tõttu ei saanud Kortšnoi enam kätte Gelleri avangu-uuendusi.

Tõsi küll, KGB oli Kortšnoilt avanguteooria loa ära võtnud juba enne tema läände siirdumist. Ent veel Nõukogude Liidus elades sai ta tutvuste kaudu siiski üht-teist teada.

"Jefim Geller" on varjunimi. Selle isiku tegelik nimi on Jefim Killer. Ta oli KGB analüütik, kes nõukogude maletajaile avanguteoreetilisi uuendusi välja mõtles.

Monday, June 24, 2024


Famous Estonian chess grandmaster Paul Keres has been hardcovered. Four volumes. Four thousand pages. Eight kilograms.

Adams, Jimmy

"Paul Keres"


As an Estonian chessplayer and an admirer of Paul Keres and his talent, I should be happy. But I am not.

The work is too expensive for me. The retail price is 250 euros, and even the pre-order price of 200 euros is too expensive.

I am also worried about the politicization of chess.

I have seen too many nasty tricks in the attempts to convince the publicity that now, finally, it has been scientifically proven and without reasonable doubt that the Soviet regime blocked Paul Keres from becoming the world champion. Up to outright forgeries.

And now, I have seen too much of how sports, including chess, have been heavily politicized, in the most biased manner, concerning the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war. I have also seen how, in Estonia, during that war, in a hurry, one more movie was made about Paul Keres and the Soviet regime.

Therefore, excuse me, but I will not pay 200 euros to check the quality and objectivity of the four volumes.

I am prepared to pay some money only if I know beforehand that it is not yet another work containing political propaganda and demagoguery.