Siin esitatakse põhjendusena aga mitte põhjendust, vaid häälteenamust. Mis tähendab seda, et igaüks võib riigi X ühingust välja heita omaenda põhjenduse alusel, peaasi, et saavutataks häälteenamus.
See Kongress puudutab ka Eestit
Ent Kongressi delegaadid ei ole veel ICCF-il teada. Kes esindab Kongressil Eestit ja kuidas ta hääletab?
Eesti Kirimaleühingu koduleheküljel pole sellest Kongressist mitte sõnagi mainitud. Raske on sealt leida ka isikut, kes asja eest vastutab ja kelle käest saaks küsida.
Kusagil internetis on informatsioon, et Eesti Kirimaleühingu koduleht on nüüd hoopis Eesti Male Toetusühingu alla viidud. Ent Facebookis, EMTÜ leheküljel aga samuti pole sellisest Kongressist ega selle delegaatidest kusagil juttu.
Niisiis, kes Eesti esindajatest hääletab ICCF Põhikirja muutmise küsimuses ja Venemaa ning Valgevene tegevuse peatamise küsimuses? Ja kui ta hääletab, siis mis alusel? Kus on diskussioon ja argumentide ning arvamuste vahetus?
ICCF dokumentatsioonist
Kopeerin allapoole mõned lõigud ICCF erinevatest dokumentidest, sest need ei ole juurdepääsetavad neile, kel pole kontot, et sinna sisse logida:
EC 2022-001 Amendment of ICCF Statute Article 17 (Statute - Requires 2/3 Vote)
Proposed by Michael Millstone, ICCF Executive Board
Expanding ICCF Statute Article 17.
This proposal is being offered based on the stated reasons for the E.C. The Executive Board does not take a stand on any of these, believing instead that it is the role of Congress to determine if and when there are to be exceptions to our longstanding policies of (our motto) "amici sumus" and "… improving contact and harmony among all peoples of the world" (quoted from Article 8 of ICCF statutes).
ICCF Statute (01.01.2019), Article 17 states:
"The members acknowledge and accept these Statutes, as well as the bylaws, the various rules of play, and ICCF decisions. They must pay their membership fees without delay during the time period set out for this by the Finance Director, member of the Executive Board. The violation of these duties can lead to suspension or loss of membership by the Congress, as proposed by the Executive Board."
The proposal is to modify Article 17 by adding the following to the end of the existing article:
"The Executive Board is empowered by Congress to propose suspension or dismissal of member federations for non-financial reasons."
The ICCF statutes only allow Congress to dismiss a Member Federation for financial reasons. This addition would allow Congress to vote for suspension or dismissal of Member Federations for reasons other than financial reasons.
If approved, this change to the ICCF Statutes would take effect immediately after approval of Congress (with the requisite 2/3 minimum votes of those voting).
Changes to ICCF Statutes are mostly documentation. The modified statutes will need to be translated into French (as the French version will prevail), and both the French and English versions signed by both the President and General Secretary.
Practically, if any changes to the statutes are approved, the revised copy could be uploaded to the ICCF webserver immediately.
ICCF Statutes, dated and signed on 01.01.2019
These are all the proposals for ICCF Online Voting 2022.
The deadline for proposals is 27/03/2022.
Online voting starts 27/04/2022.
Online voting ends 09/05/2022.