Monday, October 21, 2024


World chess champion Alexander Alekhine with his cat

Once, during a chess tournament in Salzburg, Paul Keres accidentally discovered why Alexander Alekhine always had a cat with him when he competed.

Young chess genius Paul Keres

Keres had just come out of the toilets and walked down the corridor towards the tournament hall. A portrait of Hitler was on the wall, and Keres paused for a moment to look at it.

Portrait of Adolf Hitler

Suddenly, Alekhine, a cat under his arm, rushed out of the hall. He opened the front door, put the cat down and hit it with his foot.

Keres looked at Alekhine, startled.

"I lost that game," said Alekhine, smiling shyly.

"Flying low. I think it's going to be rainy," he added.



Male maailmameister Aleksandr Alehhin oma kassiga

Ükskord Salzburgis maleturniiri ajal sai Paul Keres juhuslikult teada, miks Aleksandr Alehhinil võistlustel alati kass kaasas on.

Noor malegeenius Paul Keres

Keres tuli just WC-st ja kõndis mööda koridori turniirisaali poole. Seinal oli Hitleri portree ja Keres seisatus hetkeks, et seda silmitseda.

Adolf Hitleri portree

Äkki sööstis saalist välja Alehhin, kass kaenla all. Ta avas välisukse, pani kassi maha ja äigas sellele jalaga.

Keres vaatas Alehhinile jahmunult otsa.

"Ma kaotasin selle partii," ütles Alehhin häbelikult naeratades.

"Madalalt lendab. Tuleb vist vihmane ilm," lisas ta.

Saturday, October 19, 2024


The end of the game Yoo - Caruana.

The descriptions of the end of this game in the chess press are exaggerated and biased.

Yoo lost the game but did not act more aggressively than Carlsen did as a world champion.

Yoo stopped the clock and squeezed Caruana's hand. He put the chess pieces back in their original position.

If I understood correctly, he crumpled up one of the game's protocols and signed the other.

He stuffed the protocol he had crumpled up to remain with him into his pocket.

He then left the chessboard, calm but visibly upset.

This is where the video ends.

It is alleged that he left the tournament hall and punched a female photographer standing in the corridor in the back.

It is claimed that there is a video of this, but it is not shown. The reason remains unclear, raising suspicions.

As what happened behind the table has been exaggerated, what happened in the corridor may also have been exaggerated.

Theoretically, he could simply have run into someone or something.

In the absence of hard evidence, such as videos, etc., he could sue various chess players and chess officials for criminal defamation.

Post Scriptum

The news is that the grandmaster Christopher Yoo's father has publicly apologised for his son's behaviour. 

However, while it is evidence, it is also not direct evidence. Note also that the emergence of new evidence is consistent with what I wrote above.

Regarding one attack directed at me on CHESSCom, note that this new evidence was not included in the two articles I referred to (one on CHESSCom and the other on Chessbase). This new, indirect evidence has been published in a fresh article.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Often, it is better to castle in the open positions, even if it costs some material.

In the rapid game played on CHESSCom, my opponent was too late to castle.

Mikromeister - Axumzs, CHESSCom 2024

Below is the analysis of the game