lasted only 17 moves:
vugar79 - Nanomaster, 2024 |
Some comments on this game
After the game move 9...Be6, the following theoretical position is on the board:
The game move 10 Neg5 grabs back the pawn, but it is a loss of time.
Better is 10 Bg5, continuing the development and hindering Black from castling to the queenside. After 10...h6?, there is a tactical reply 11 Bf6!
After the game move 12...Bd6, the following position is on the board:
Black threatens with the combination 13...Bxh2+ 14. Nxh2 Qxd1.
Unfortunately, White had to play 13 Qd3.
After the game continuation 13 Bg5?, the following position is on the board:
However, when grabbing the pawn on e6, White managed to open the f-file for Black's rooks.
In the present game, and in the game De Abreu - Harshavardhan ( INT 2020), Black used the half-open f-file to attack with 13...Rdf8!
In the present post, the Apronus chess software was used.